Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Scripts and Bridges

London Bridge is falling and I don’t know what to do about it. Scratch that. London Bridge is going to fall. Still I don’t know what to do about it. I could keep standing here or I could take a dive and still end up in the water. Either way I’ll end up in the water. And I don’t like getting wet.
How hard does making a decision get when you have to make the choices that matter: I do or not; red or turquoise; Jesus or no? When the heights above and the depths below seem so merged there isn’t any obvious difference, what will I choose?
My calculations tell me the Bridge will be down soon. Wrinkles are starting to appear prominently on its face. Though I won’t admit it to anyone else I know I am resident on a sinking ship. My heart is literally in my mouth and I’m too downcast to take a step.
Some ignorant person will tell me there is third option: simply step off the bridge on to dry land. What foolishness! Nobody will understand what I’m facing. I’ve been on this Bridge for way too long and I really want this Bridge to stand. It’ll shut my critics up. They will know I was always right and they was (sic) always wrong. That’ll show them who the boss really is. And while I’ve held on for so long it doesn’t make sense to give up now. I’m attached to the Bridge. Why won’t anyone understand? How could I leave? The mere thought is such a burden I haven’t thought of it.
What’s more, there are people like me still on the Bridge. We know it will fall and we’ll end up in the chilling Thames. Some of the weak among us have taken a dive instead. Good riddance, I say. They are too proud to go down with the Bridge and too weak to leave it. Funny lot! I can take comfort in staying with those intent on staying put.
The ones I really admire are those who have the courage to admit the Bridge was a mistake all along, the spine to step out of it and the smiles to survive the days following this adventure. I wish I could be like them but I just can’t. Don’t tell me I can. You don’t understand. You also won’t understand. I can’t.
When choices hit you like a sandstorm and you feel too overwhelmed to think is when you ought to think. That is really when to put the cards on the table and analyze them properly. Snakes and ladders litter the path. Many will walk into the path of the snake because they are too attached to the status quo to take a different path. Scripts are guides not laws. Tradition and religion are scripts. Don’t be scripted.
Because I’m going down with this Bridge I wrote this to you. Don’t go down with the Bridge. If you won’t make mistakes then you’re a bigger fool than you imagine. Walk away from your mistakes. Learn, unlearn and relearn. Step into the sunshine, away from this falling Bridge you once or twice called home.

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