Wednesday, 15 June 2016

(re)Defining One

Math told you one is the littlest number ever, apart from zero which is obviously not a number. Then you deduced that one is less than two. These are fortunately absolute falsehoods.
Math told you one plus one equals two. This is a blatant lie. I shudder to think how wrong mathematicians could be in such a simple case. It’s nothing but naivety to assume one and one adds to two. The fundamental question any right thinking person should ask is the quality of the ones (1s) to be added. I’ll introduce you to this concept. It is called the Mathematic of numbers.
Mathematic is a science of quality, not quantity. It’s more about the character of numbers, shapes and patterns than the numbers themselves. Quality is really a function of character. In other words, quality is directly proportional to character. Let’s study this more.
1 is the largest number there is. Every other number is simply a definition of the quality of the 1 or 1’s involved. A single 1 could be equal to 2 while many ones (1s) would equal 0. The words “useful” and “useless” describe the quality of any particular 1. Like I said, 1 is the largest number there is. I challenge you to show me a larger number. Any number you just thought of now is an adjective. It shows quality, nothing else!
There’s actually no number other than 1. That means that 1 is the only number that exists. Every other value you call a number is a naming word for the mutation of the 1 or 1s involved. Every 1 is mutant. 1 is naturally metamorphous, and metamorphosis is a reversible reaction. The state of any given 1 at any point in time and space is therefore a function of its mutation. In lay terms, differentiating the 1 with respect to its metamorphism will yield you the adjective and noun descriptive of its state at the instant. Neat!
1 is a stand-alone. That much is obvious. 1 is also enough. Being a stand-alone is independence. Being enough is potential. Add these two and you could get a billion as the answer, that is, 1 = 1 000 000 000. Then how in the world would 1 + 1 always = 2? I wonder where some mathematicians get their ideas from. Maybe my readers know and would gladly supply me an answer.
In technical terms, my point is that every 1 is inherently independent and potentially fit to be a billion. Your independence means you’re your own opponent. Your potential means you’re also the referee in the game. I’d advise you to team up with yourself and score as many goals as you want, not against any but in favour of you. Your value is a variable and it is dependent on your capacity. Building capacity is building value. Build your capacity. You are independent and enough. Depending on circumstances is making you less than one. And you could be less than or greater than one. It’s really a matter of capacity. Decide to be a trillion 1, then you can walk with others to accomplish it. Every collective journey is really a collection and summation of personal journeys. If you aren’t ready to go it alone you may not be able to go it together.
Never look at one as too little. It’s an insult to the only number there is. Whether it is you or anyone else, one is a number to reckon with. It must not be imprisoned by low self-esteem, fear, doubt or regrets. Without being repetitive I’ll say it again: 1 is independent and enough! Every great endeavour is at its barest minimum a product of one. History is the biography of great ones. Education is the thoughts of some 1 among us who have made a passionate impression on the psyche of the many.
Be happy you’re 1. That’s all there is to be. 1 is all that is necessary to bring the sun to roost in any cave. One leader could be worth a million followers. Every 1 is born a leader. Every 1 can dream and make it happen. It all boils down to the Mathematic of numbers.

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